Friday, October 27, 2006

A Long Week

I have not been posting too much this last week. It's been a very busy week for me. Most of my writing time has been devoted to another project I've been working on, which will be launched some time in the upcoming future. Apart from trying to keep from losing my mind at work, cleaning up geek sqad messes, working on the other project, planning a move, and spending time with the family, there's not much time left.

I have, however, managed to keep up on the events in the world this week, mostly by listening at work. I'm becoming more and more nervous about the future, namely the freedom we enjoy as U.S. citizens. I have read in history about every few years everyone claiming the sky is falling and the administration of that time is ruining the country. But it seems the stakes are higher now, somehow everything is coming together in a perfect storm of an upcoming change.

I only hope that the elections show a change in our direction. I hope that we do not continue down the slippery slope that we are already on. Perhaps it's too late to stop, perhaps we can change direction. I only hope that the current events are reversed, and that we do not become victims to the current environment of fear and general violent behavior. I see it around me every day, people treat each other like crap. I hope that our selfishness and "me first" mentality changes.

I'm working hard to do my part to do something selfless and to benefit the world at large. I only hope that it works, that my little effort to better the world spreads. It sounds cliche, but if everyone would just do something to improve the world, it would make a dramatic difference. If it is as much as giving away your fortune to fight world hunger, or letting someone with one item go before you at the supermarket, everything helps.

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