Saturday, October 14, 2006

Annoying TV Ratings

Tonight I was watching a show on The Travel Channel and realized how obsessive and ridiculous this whole media self-censorship thing has become. I do not usually watch television, maybe two or three hours a week of tv shows. Anyway, there was this show on the Travel Channel that had a warning that some material may be inappropriate for some viewers. Right away, I was intrigued by what could possibly be unsuitable. Naked beaches? Bad language? Naked Natives? Monkeys being monkeys?

So what was it? They were eating Guinea pigs. You know, those cute and fuzzy little pets that many people in the US have at home. At least, I think that is what was unsuitable. I could see that some family may be watching who had a guinea pig and the kids were in shock that people eat them. But really, get a grip. People eat animals. Some of them are cute. People eat a lot of disgusting things that I fine disturbing.

But seriously, a warning?

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