Sunday, October 08, 2006

How To Be Invisible

I have discovered one of the most fascinating and practical books on personal privacy I have read to date. It's called How To Be Invisible by J.J. Luna (ISBN 0312319061). He has a web site located at

The book can be purchased at your retailer of choice or you can probably find a copy at the library. There are several editions, the newer one obviously is more up to date. It's a fantastic read, it's one of the few books I purchased after reading at the library. The hacker types will be aware of some of the information, particularly dealing with phone and computer privacy, but that's a small portion of it. It is not so much as a "how to," but a way of thinking that will lead to your own privacy solutions.

Unlike some of the other privacy books, this one is legitimate. I purchased a book once on privacy and it spent most of the time telling you how to avoid taxes, evade the law and other topics in that vein. God knows what kind of list I'm on for ordering it from Amazon, but they recommended it based on my previous searches. Go figure. No wonder homeland security wanted access to purchase records.

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