Friday, October 27, 2006

A Long Week

I have not been posting too much this last week. It's been a very busy week for me. Most of my writing time has been devoted to another project I've been working on, which will be launched some time in the upcoming future. Apart from trying to keep from losing my mind at work, cleaning up geek sqad messes, working on the other project, planning a move, and spending time with the family, there's not much time left.

I have, however, managed to keep up on the events in the world this week, mostly by listening at work. I'm becoming more and more nervous about the future, namely the freedom we enjoy as U.S. citizens. I have read in history about every few years everyone claiming the sky is falling and the administration of that time is ruining the country. But it seems the stakes are higher now, somehow everything is coming together in a perfect storm of an upcoming change.

I only hope that the elections show a change in our direction. I hope that we do not continue down the slippery slope that we are already on. Perhaps it's too late to stop, perhaps we can change direction. I only hope that the current events are reversed, and that we do not become victims to the current environment of fear and general violent behavior. I see it around me every day, people treat each other like crap. I hope that our selfishness and "me first" mentality changes.

I'm working hard to do my part to do something selfless and to benefit the world at large. I only hope that it works, that my little effort to better the world spreads. It sounds cliche, but if everyone would just do something to improve the world, it would make a dramatic difference. If it is as much as giving away your fortune to fight world hunger, or letting someone with one item go before you at the supermarket, everything helps.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Funny Windows Story

So, following in my recent bashing of Windows, I remembered a story I column I read a while back that had me laughing hysterically. I've been meaning to post it for a while, but I have only just now remembered. It's definitely worth the read. It's also by one of my favorite columnists. He's a bit slanted toward the Mac, but the point is there:

Windows Gives No Tongue


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

No Wonder Things Take Forever

I see policies in the workplace every day and it amazes me that ordinarily smart and logical people can come up with ideas that make no sense whatsoever. For example, today a new policy was created at my job. I work in a capacity where I am asked frequently by a call center staff to figure out what is causing the technical problem they are having. They bring me the issue, I figure it out, call the customer back, or give it back to them. This is in addition to my regular duties, so if anyone should be complaining about it, it would me, right? It works for us, takes usually less than five minutes, and everyone is happy. I don't mind the interruption and they get help.

However, it has now been decided that all of these problems should go through one central person. I'm not sure what this accomplishes other than make someone else feel important. It is not as if this person can fix the issues, or tracks them. This person becomes a proxy, or whatever. Anway, so I've been instructed to redirect my coworkers to someone else when they bring me an issue. I know already that this is going to get me in trouble because I flat out refuse to do this. If someone comes to me for help, I'm not going to tell them to go back to another person, who then brings the same issue to me. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen happen in our office.

One of myriad of reasons this is utterly ridiculous is that the people dealing with the customers understand the problem. The person who is to bring these issues to me, has no clue about anything technical and has proven time and time again that they simply do not understand it. Which means that I will then have to explain to this non-technical type the resolution to a technical issue. Probably multiple times in the same day. How much fun that will be, most likely leading to complaints about my attitude when I finally snap after having to repeat the same solution fifteen times. Oh, the fun we'll have.

When I was complaining to someone in another department, I was surprised to learn that they have a similar setup and were had been doing this forever. Most likely this is probably a fairly standard practice in call centers. Among other things, it showed me the reason it takes forever to get issues resolved when I call this department. I have to admit, I'm no expert on call center procedures, even though I have worked among them several times in my life. However, I'm sure there is some call center executive somewhere who has proven this to be the way to handle workflow. Anyway, eventually this person will become too busy to handle being a proxy. At that point, they'll have to hire additional people to do this. I see this at the company I work for all the time; if they would just fix some of the nutty procedures, they would be able to operate on about half staff in certain areas. You saw Office Space, right? "Why can't the customers just take the specs directly to the engineers?"

I am just always happy to be a part of corporate red tape. It makes my workday that much more pleasant and I am satisfied just knowing I am part of a monument of inefficiency which contributes to the overall frustration of people. Life is good.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Outlook is The Devil

I may have mentioned it before, but I am a Linux user completely on my home PCs. It took me a while to make the switch completely, but I have done it and never looked back. Once in a while, I use Windows for personal use, but generally it is limited to work. Our office uses Outlook for e-mail (what a surprise) and we have it installed on a home machine that runs Windows. Don't get me wrong, Windows is very appropriate for a lot of people. Properly maintained, a Windows PC can be a very useful machine. But when things go wrong...

Tonight, using Outlook, we were trying to send an e-mail message and the address book suddenly became nonexistent. You can go to the address book tab, see all of the entries, even open them up and edit them. However, if you go to send a message to one of them, it tells you that the address book is not found. It makes no sense. The usual reboot and try again didn't work. Restoring the file from a backup did not work. Maybe tomorrow after a good night's sleep, it will work again. Who knows. It's just this pattern that makes me crazy.

I also have a demon spawn printer/scanner combo that only works with Windows. I have tried unsuccessfully to find a way to make this machine work under Linux, but there is not a single person in any forum, web site, or any other published document that has been able to make this printer print. Anyway, the scanning function only works about 50% of the time in windows. You can scan something to the PC you are using, then go back, do the same thing and it will not work. Reboot, power down, reboot a couple more times and it will work again for a few minutes.

I used to think that Linux was difficult, that this futzing around with Windows was somehow easier because it worked a portion of the time. I realize now that I have been a Linux user for over a year, how stable the system is and how I never have to mess around to do the minor details. Also, if you have a problem, you can search Linux user groups, documentation, post a message and get help. When I try to solve technical problems I encounter in Windows, nearly every answer I find wants me to pay for it.

I'm not one of these Linux zealots that has a mission to convert the world. What I am is a believer in a system that lets me actually get the things done that need done without getting in my way. Things work and work consistently. Once you get something configured, which I will admit can sometimes be a challenge, they STAY WORKING. I don't mean to preach, but if there are any of you out there who think it's not worth the leap to ditch Windows and go this route, I implore you to think again. There's a link on the right for Ubuntu Linux. Start there. Regain a functional PC again.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Annoying TV Ratings

Tonight I was watching a show on The Travel Channel and realized how obsessive and ridiculous this whole media self-censorship thing has become. I do not usually watch television, maybe two or three hours a week of tv shows. Anyway, there was this show on the Travel Channel that had a warning that some material may be inappropriate for some viewers. Right away, I was intrigued by what could possibly be unsuitable. Naked beaches? Bad language? Naked Natives? Monkeys being monkeys?

So what was it? They were eating Guinea pigs. You know, those cute and fuzzy little pets that many people in the US have at home. At least, I think that is what was unsuitable. I could see that some family may be watching who had a guinea pig and the kids were in shock that people eat them. But really, get a grip. People eat animals. Some of them are cute. People eat a lot of disgusting things that I fine disturbing.

But seriously, a warning?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A New Policy

I think I am one of the few people who actually read privacy policies of the companies that have them. I also read agreements before I sign. I'm not sure why, it's not like they are subject to negotiation, but it's always good to see how bad you're going to get screwed before it actually happens. It is scary to see the things that are in these "agreements." I would love to be able to create some kind of "consumer agreement" that would be required as a condition of my continued business. For instance, if I have to call back more than once, I am entitled to a fee of, say, $39 and a payment rate of $25 per hour, billed in 15 minute increments.

These "agreements" that we are forced to agree to in our business transactions are one sided, so I don't see why it would be a problem for me to do this. Surely someone has tried this before, I wonder what kind of luck they had with that. I once received from a utility company, with my bill, a note saying that by paying the bill I was agreeing to the amended subscriber agreement. What the hell?

I need to create some small print on checks that says something along the lines of "by cashing this check, you are hereby agreeing to the enclosed consumer agreement, subject to change with or without notice." This agreement could be benign at first, with things like a requirement to be treated with respect, etc. Then, I could amend my agreement to account for the inconvenience fees and other mandatory charges, and I may even give them notice, depending on my mood.

My guess is that they would find a way to get out of it in the end. If nothing else, they can afford lawyers and I can't, so right away they're ahead if they were to sue me or something. But if just one person could win this battle, it might turn the tables on the nonsense that we see every day and put a little control back into our hands. That would be worth the fight.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Soul Sucking Workplaces

I don't know of any place that sucks the creativity out of me like my job. Every day I find my energy drained just walking in to the place. At night, when I am at home with my family, I have great ideas, solve problems and am generally a happy person. However, get me near work, and it's all over. And it's already been established at my job that mediocrity is not only acceptable, but encouraged.

There has to be a basis for this suckage. It can't be environment, because I can be creative and happy just about anywhere other than work. It has to be the way we are treated as employees, like we are the enemy. I don't know who started this crusade against employees, but in my experience it seems to have worsened in the past few years. We are treated by those rich bastards at the top like just another expense. If we all walked out on our job they would be totally screwed because there would not be anyone to do actual work. What they forget is that while they're having their meetings and golf games, the people getting the crap wages to do the crap work, to clean up the mess made by their brilliant ideas are working away to ensure they can continue to exist. People pour their souls into their work, only to be rewarded with a downsize when they can pay someone in India to do the same work for $1 an hour.

I'm really at my limit with this corruption. The entire system is oppressive and demeaning. There has to be a better way. At this point, I think I would rather mow lawns than put up with the drain on my psyche. Who knows, if my attitude continues to degrade at work, I may be forced into that career path. I remember that line from Good Will Hunting, when preppy rich boy tells him that after he graduates from Harvard, Will will be serving him fast food. To which Will replies, "Yeah, but at least I won't be unoriginal." I may be mowing lawns, but I'll be sane.

People escape the hell that is corporate America every day. What boggles my mind is that I escaped it once, only to come back to it. I understand now the money blinded me during a difficult time, but after having worked in an environment that was stimulating and free, I really realize how stifling it is. Maybe this experience has taught me that the grass is not greener on the other side. Most of my day is spent concentrating on how to get out, so I'm not very productive anyway. Which is okay, I suppose, because most of my coworkers are doing the same thing. We're all working away for that 3% raise next year anyway, so that health insurance costs can double and we actually take a 3% pay cut. The new math sucks.

Meanwhile, record profits are posted while costs are cut and jobs are sent to faraway countries. People are losing their homes and eating Ramen so that the rich bastards at the top can have even more money and congratulate themselves for increasing this year's growth. At some point, I have to believe that there will be an awakening, people will realize there is more to life than this, and everyone will just simplify and be happy. I'm so close to packing up and pitching a tent in the country that I hardly chuckle when I say it anymore.

Oh well, enough ranting. I have to go to bed. So I can get up and go to work tomorrow.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Peace And Quiet

I have been thinking about how hard it is to find peace and quiet in our constantly connected world. It seems just about everywhere you go has some kind of media to stimulate you. If only there were a Cell Phone B Gone that were legal and readily available at your favorite retailer.

As I may have said before, I am one of the few remaining people on this planet who do not have a cell phone. We have one of those prepaid cell phones that is used for I am not so in demand that I would require the ability for anyone to access me at any time. For that matter, I would not want to be available to everyone. I know people who make themselves available for work any time and any place. My work life ends when I come home. I try not to do personal business on work time, and also do not do work business on personal time. It's a simple matter, really. In fact, I have turned down a promotion that required me carrying a pager 24 x 7. There's not enough money in the world to marry me to my job.

When I'm at the store, or in public in general, people are constantly talking on cell phones or text messaging. From what I hear, none of it is that important or even remotely interesting. I can't get over the people in the stores who will call someone a couple aisles over and tell them to come to their aisle. Good grief. What a waste of resources. I'm wondering when we all became so involved in the minutiae of life. "I just bought a new rug for the kitchen."

It seems that with all of these technological advances in personal communication that we are more disconnected than ever before. I see these commercials where the family falls all over the dad for buying more minutes and text messaging and it scares the hell out of me. I know these people exist, I see them in Target. They have unlimited nights, weekends and just about any other time, just by taking the time to interact. You don't need a contract for that!

I just wish people would understand that this technology is supposed to help us, not make us slaves to everyone around us. The world will continue to turn if you are out of contact for minutes, hours or days. It's a simple thing to turn that power button off and focus on the world around you. I just wish that we all could do that more often.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

How To Be Invisible

I have discovered one of the most fascinating and practical books on personal privacy I have read to date. It's called How To Be Invisible by J.J. Luna (ISBN 0312319061). He has a web site located at

The book can be purchased at your retailer of choice or you can probably find a copy at the library. There are several editions, the newer one obviously is more up to date. It's a fantastic read, it's one of the few books I purchased after reading at the library. The hacker types will be aware of some of the information, particularly dealing with phone and computer privacy, but that's a small portion of it. It is not so much as a "how to," but a way of thinking that will lead to your own privacy solutions.

Unlike some of the other privacy books, this one is legitimate. I purchased a book once on privacy and it spent most of the time telling you how to avoid taxes, evade the law and other topics in that vein. God knows what kind of list I'm on for ordering it from Amazon, but they recommended it based on my previous searches. Go figure. No wonder homeland security wanted access to purchase records.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

The TV B Gone

At HOPE Number Six, I purchased a TV B Gone (actually two) and it has been worth the money! At the cafeteria where I work, they have four televisions, two on each side of the cafeteria. Someone, in their infinite wisdom decided to have Fox News on one half and CNN on the other half. Sometimes, the volume is up loud on both and it's impossible to have a peaceful lunch. I am sure there are good intentions, they would not want anyone to think they were more conservative than liberal. I'm sure people would complain if there was not equal access.

This is the ideal situation for a TV B Gone. Unfortunately, the televisions are high enough up so that it is impossible to turn them off without climbing on a chair, and even then, you would have to reach. Basically, it would be impossible to turn them off without someone noticing. Sadly, most people don't watch them, but need the background noise for continued existence. I have watched how people react when they are off, they ask people to turn them on. Then they don't watch them. It's a strange relationship that we seem to have with the television.

Anyway, with the TV B Gone, you can quickly dispatch the televisions, usually without anyone noticing. Once in a while, a person will look around, trying to figure out why it is suddenly quiet. I believe that we have been busted a few times turning it off, but they could not quite figure out how we did it, so there was no confrontation. I am sure that would get someone to have a chat.

In addition to the official purpose, they also prove to be tremendous fun at the TV section of stores. I like to think that we're doing our part to clear out some of the crap in people's lives. And saving energy too! Honestly, I'm not one of those people who never watches TV. In fact, I love television and movies. After a while, though, the constant stimulation makes me want peace and quiet. It is impossible to have a relaxing lunch or conversation in a place where a TV is flickering in the background. It's an unnecessary distraction.

I would suggest purchasing a TV B Gone. They're good not only for entertainment value, but to give you the power to control your environment.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Insomnia Sucks

There should be a way to incorporate a recording device of some kind into your brain, just as you fall asleep. It seems that the best ideas I have are either at this time, or when in the bathroom, far away from anything on which I can write them down. If only we had a "Print Screen" of sorts in our brain, it would make things so much better.

For example, the last three or four days I have had difficulty sleeping. I come up with these plans or ideas in my head, trying to work through them. I end up getting confused, only to have one of those "holy crap" ideas just as I'm falling asleep. In my semi-conscious state, I am certain that I will remember it in the morning when I wake up, only to be disappointed by remembering that I was to remember something and spending the rest of the day trying to figure out what that was. I hope that made sense, it did to me anyway.

The same seems to hold true when taking care of business in the bathroom. There is a moment of revelation, only to be followed by the realization that it has been forgotten. It's driving me crazy and I can only attribute it to the insomnia and half-awake state I seem to be in lately. So instead of sleeping, I'm sitting here at the computer, exhausted and about ready to fall asleep. And when I go to bed, I will lay there, imagining the next big idea, only to have it disappear into the ether. It's like I'm being punished for something.

I'm holding out for the whole consciousness print screen key thing. My luck, there won't be enough space on the drive to store it.

Idea Save Failed!
Abort, Retry, Cancel

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Fun Way To Waste Hours

I recently stumbled upon a web site - From there, I discovered my most recent time waster. "Behind The Counter," a blog about working customer service at Wal-Mart. I have to admit, I am hooked on this thing. I cannot stop reading it.

Check it out, it's very entertaining.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Day Against DRM - Oct 3

Today is the Day Against Digital Rights (Restrictions) Management - DRM. I am adamantly against DRM, or anything that limits my freedom. I have personally never purchased any type of music with DRM. This was my experience with DRM:

I received a coupon for $20 in free downloads from one of the big music stores when I purchased my portable music. Since I use Linux exclusively, I had to borrow a Windows PC to download and load the files onto my portable player. I attempted to make a backup of the files when I downloaded them, but for one reason or another it would not work. Okay, no problem, I'll just copy them from the player if I ever needed them back on the computer, that's what I do with mp3 files. Wrong! As I discovered later, once it was on the portable player, I could not move it. When I upgraded players, I was unable to copy it from the player, onto the computer, then put it on another player. I would have been furious if I had paid for those songs. It was then that I swore I would never voluntarily subject myself to DRM again.

What bothers me the most is that people accept this as something legitimate, to have their music limited. I explain to everyone I know who uses a portable music player the options they have. It's a system I simply refuse to be a part of, at least as long as I have the freedom to choose.

Monday, October 02, 2006

When Will They Learn?

So this Mark Foley Republican congressman who apparently likes to send explicit messages to his teenage interns apparently didn't get the memo. E-mails are like diamonds, they're forever.

Seriously, who doesn't know that e-mails tend to hang around forever after they're sent. They may be filed away in someone's computer, for perusal or blackmail at a later date. They may have got stuck on the e-mail server backups, or someone may just forward them to their best friend who posts them on Myspace. I would think people would realize this by now. One of the things I had heard at a company where I used to work was not to send anything in e-mail that you would be uncomfortable seeing on the evening news. Words to live by, that's for sure.

And what's the deal with these moral majority people talking dirty to teenage boys anyway? Where is the outrage now? This is same group that rallies against homosexuality and tries to pass crazy laws to keep "online predators" from our children. Talk about hypocrisy. Just once, I would like to see these guys prosecuted by the laws that they pass, to be caught up in the process like anyone else who isn't a millionaire congressman to whom the laws do not apply.

I think what surprised me the most was the fact that he actually resigned from his office and somewhat admitted that he was a scumbag. I guess resigning and blaming it all on an alcohol abuse problem (the booze made me do it) is the thing to do now, at least to deflect the attention. What surprised me even more was the fact that it came out before the elections. And I am sure at some point after the election we'll learn that others knew about it, and were "investigating" the problem or something.

I honestly hate politics anymore. These jokers keep getting elected, the process continues. I used to have hope that one day these people would be called to task for their misdeeds, but I'm afraid that just doesn't seem to be the case. Everyone will forget about it by next week and when there is another airline scare or something, so that we all can remember who is protecting us from those terrorists on election day.