Sunday, September 17, 2006

Windows Vista

So I happened upon a link that would allow me to download a preview release of Windows Vista, which running as I type this. I had to provide registration info for Microsoft, so who knows what kind of promotions I'll receive now. Since I do not use any Microsoft OS, I do not know how valuable that will be, but maybe someone I know can take advantage of it.

I have no intention of purposely buying Windows Vista, but I thought it would be a learning experience, and those are never bad. This is assuming that I have a computer powerful enough to run it. Good grief, the capabilities required for this are unbelievable.

I'm going to try to install it on an old laptop that I have. I seriously doubt it will be a fun experience, even if it will install, but it should still be an experience anyway. If you have the chance and are curious, I would suggest trying it out. The download is large, nearly 2.6 gb. But it's one time I can get something free from Microsoft, so you can't go wrong with it.

Here's the link.

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