Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Another Fun Banking Experience

So I had this issue with a bank I use that put a hold on a deposit in error. It has since been resolved quickly, so there's no need to complain bitterly about the bank. Though, on my list of complaint sources, banks are at the top of that list. Anyway, the clueless representative I spoke with on the phone said that there were no holds on cash if they are deposited. So my hacker brain starts to work...

When I went into the branch, the question was asked as to why they couldn't just cash the check for me and then I could fill out a deposit notice and deposit that cash, thereby being available immediately. The banker was surprised at this prospect (I can't believe I'm the first person to think of this) and said that they really were not allowed to do something like that. Note that he did not say it was impossible. So here is a simple solution, should should I have a "real" check I know is not going to bounce and need the funds to be available immediately: Cash the check at the branch of their bank close to my work, then deposit the cash on the way home.

On an related note, when I contacted the bank branch by telephone, they said they could not discuss account details over the phone because the line was not recorded, and that I would have to come in to discuss any issues with my account in person. I resisted the urge to ask if my conversation when I came in would be recorded because at that point my patience was dwindling. It will be a question for a future visit, though, believe me.

It is just these crazy policies that can be so easily circumvented drive me absolutely crazy. They seem to be everywhere. It is frustrating because they really do not serve any purpose other than to exercise power and some crazy sense of control. I can somewhat understand holds on checks, but payroll checks from a huge corporation that has been in business forever, come on already. Now most of their customers probably just grumble and accept that as just the way it is, but I am definitely not that customer.

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