Monday, August 28, 2006

What was it like before Google?

I was thinking today of how easily information can be obtained on just about anything. In fact, it is hard to remember a time when a person had to actually look something up in a book or wait to find someone with the knowledge. Virtually anything you need to know is at your fingertips within a matter of seconds using the internet or discussion groups.

My children will always know this as a standard practice, and probably much more. The tools they will have are probably probably in someone's imagination at this point. When they are my age, the technology we marvel at today, to them, will be commonplace and perhaps even primitive. I think that everyone gets so accustomed to the technology that we have today that many do not take time to appreciate it.

Try to remember what it was like (if you can) to find information before Google and the Internet. Don't ever forget the magic of it all. What we have today liberates us from ignorance and provides limitless opportunities for knowledge and education. Stop and enjoy the virtual scented roses.

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