Friday, July 27, 2007

A New Beginning

There has been a long lapse in time since I have posted any thoughts here on this page. It has entered my mind frequently over the past few months, and the easiest way to break the ice is to just post. An explanation is in order, I believe. I doubt that anyone reads this with any great frequency, but for the one or two people who may take a look at this, I apologize for this absence.

A lot of changes have happened since this posting. Some major life changes and internal exploration have brought me and my family to the point we are today. Long story short, we have moved to the country and I am now a hacker in the country. And I'm not talking about suburban "country," I am talking about 80 miles from a city of reasonable size.

For those of you who have ever thought of packing it all up and living in the country, it's really not that bad. Having grown up in a rural area, I guess I have a point of reference, but there are advantages to both types of living. I'm going to be sharing some stories over the next few posts, and hope to take this project to a level of sharing some experience or offering expertise.

Until a later time, thanks for visiting.

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