Friday, October 09, 2009

Back at it again

Again I find myself wishing I had contributed more to this little project.  I don't imagine that many people read it, but there might be one here or there.  I am very excited because I just purchased a Macbook.  

I have spent the last few days wondering why I ever stopped buying Apple products.  I'm not sure I can trace it back to one particular time, but for one reason or another it happened.  It's been so refreshing to have a computer just work.

Don't get me wrong, I love Ubuntu.  In fact, the Ubuntu Netbook Remix for the Acer AspireOne (my other computer) is just awesome.  It transforms that machine into something usable.  My hatred of Windows grows deeper every day. 

So this post - back at it again, has a two fold meaning.  Back at posting at this blog - at least for a while, and back at the Apple game again.