Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Long Time No Post

So it has been quite some time since I posted last. It has been a crazy few weeks, lots and lots going on. I am involved in two large projects at the moment, getting ready to launch two web sites and I am creating all of the content for them.

There has been so much happening these last few weeks in the world, and not just my life. I was pleased to see the outcome of the elections. I was beginning to lose hope in our country. Hopefully, we will see some changes. Not that I necessarily agree with everything that the Democrats have to say, but at least it makes a difference knowing that the entire country has not gone completely radical.

I have been thinking a lot about how we get to where we are, both in our lives and government, businesses and everything else. It seems Looking back on how you end up where you do is easy, and can consume your mind for quite some time. I only wish there were some way to get this insight into the future with the same clarity. Then again, I guess that would take all the fun out of it.

I do not have a whole lot to say at this point, just needed to post something to keep this momentum alive. It has been so crazy creating serious stuff, I needed this outlet of just my own rambling thoughts. If you are reading this, thank you.